Wednesday, December 26, 2007

Go Green and Fit In

Just a thought on Going Green...

With the recent “Go Green” headlines getting splashed around the media arena it might not be a bad idea for home builders to find effective cost cutting strategies to free up a little money for Green Building. Our environment needs our help and people are beginning to realize the potential of doing a few little things to help save energy. Home builders are also learning the value of Green Building and some builders are creating a buzz by offering Green Friendly Homes. It might not be a bad idea for all builders to start producing green homes. They could get more sales, headlines and referrals from their efforts.

A couple things we can do as consumers to lower energy costs in our homes include changing traditional light bulbs in for energy efficient bulbs. I heard that if every American household changes one light bulb it would be equivalent to removing 1,000,000 cars from our roads annually. We can also buy energy efficient appliances and turn computers, receivers and laptops off instead of leaving them in power save mode. Another great way to save energy is to make a conscious effort to turn lights off when they’re not being used.

Going Green is becoming a big part of some American purchases and the trend will likely increase as exposure continues. Here’s an article about some things custom home builders are doing to accommodate the Green needs of home buyers.

by Jayson Gibson

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